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“ADAS/AD virtual platform for end-to-end software development, testing and validation”

Tille Karoline Rupp, Virtual Test Engineer, Porsche Engineering Services GmbH

Video case study Ondemand (or place date and time here)

ADAS/AD functions integrate complex perception systems, combine sensors of different technology and have to deal with complex traffic scenarios, whilst guaranteeing safety. During software development and testing, an extremely large number of corner cases need to be tested, additional ones have to be discovered and therefore, the final number of kilometers required for certification can explode exponentially. So as to achieve time-to-market and feasible development costs, ADAS/AD requires strong support from the simulation. Furthermore, each project has unique requirements, a different scope and has to be implemented throughout different vehicle platforms with relevant hardware and software differences. However, the perfect tool that gathers all your project requirements does not yet exist. Nonetheless, many high-quality software solutions are able to simulate sensors, traffic, vehicle dynamics, driver behavior and realistic environments with the level of detail that every project needs. The combination of these best software solutions currently in the market can get very close and suffice most project requirements. At Porsche Engineering – more precisely at the Porsche Engineering ADAS Testing Centre (PEVATeC), we bring together the best tools, data sources and our experience in automotive and ADAS to create and provide a flexible modular simulation platform that supports end-to-end ADAS/AD development.

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Lorem Ipsum dolor

Lorem Ipsum dolor

The speaker

Tille Karoline Rupp

Virtual Test Engineer, Porsche Engineering Services GmbH

The company


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